



Date Launched

November 1, 2022


Hubql - Build software together

We make code & data models easily shareable, understandable & accessible for everyone. To enable Tech and Business users to work together effectively, asynchronous & remotely in their familiar environment.

Enable tech and business users to work together, we make their work...

... Shareable

With Hubql you not only share code but also a visualization to anyone involved in your projects. Get your team together in one place and start refining your data models and integration payloads.

... Understandable

A picture is worth a million lines of code. We help engineers to translate business logic into easily readable diagrams and graphs for your team. Give  a glimpse of your data model and get feedback.

... Accessible

Sharing Hubql is as easy as opening a link in your browser and directly empowers you and your team with the right tool to collaborate on your data models and integrations payload.

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